Thursday, July 28, 2011


I feel like I've let you down. I feel like I've failed at my job. I feel like I don't even deserve you. And most of all, I feel selfish for staying with you because of it all. :c I hope we can fix all of this. <3
You mean the world to me. Absolutely everything.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


I've just been thinking. About stuff. About you. Me. Us. My life. My future. Our future. My goals. Just stuff. A lot of stuff. Stuff that really means a lot to me. People who mean a lot to me. Things that matter. Like self expression. Inspiration. Love. Music. Passion. Family and friends. Life. Just thinking about Life.

Please stay a part of mine? <3
I'll stay a part of yours if you want me to<3